Friday, September 11, 2009


Ok, first, a confession: I have never been to Vegas.

If you are a similar poor soul, here's a deal from Southwest that may be able to change that for you. I don't know if I can jump on this opportunity personally but if you're needing a break, this could be your ticket! I hear its the place to be.. And I hear it's the place to be broke! Free drinks as long as you are playing? yes thank you! Even if you are slowly sticking pennies into the cheapest game you can find.. :)

Honestly, I think Southwest likes to pretend they have super awesome deals coming out their ears but you really have to see past the frantic ACT NOW OR YOU WILL NEVER REALIZE YOUR DREAMS! banners and think about what they are actually offering.. Because "just $179 each way!" is NOT a good deal even if it only lasts for the next 30 seconds. However, I think this Vegas thing seems pretty legit.. Would love to hear if anyone tries it out! And would love to see the pictures :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Good News

Minimal make-up is awesome. That's good news for those of us whose wallets and make-up bags seems to stay under-stocked.
minimal make-up
Just make sure and spend a couple bucks on a good moisturizer with sunscreen!
Or go super cheap and use what I use (yes, you can use it on your face, but you have to add a sunscreen)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Get Out of Town

I am planning a trip to see my bff who just moved to NY. It WILL be a cheap trip. I want to spend $400. Here's the plan:

1: I'll be staying with a friend, of course, so no hotel cost.

2: If you can be flexible, choose the "name your own price" feature and you can get some great deals. I got a round trip ticket for $175. The beats the very best deal I found searching all the other sites by 30 bucks. Significant enough for me!

3: I'm only gonna go for 4 days so I'm not missing too much work and not spending too much money there.

4: Buy some groceries when I get there. Only one meal out per day.

5: Research ahead of time some free things to do and plan one splurge. I think a reasonably priced Broadway show will be my one thing I spend money on. The rest of the time I will just enjoy being at the amazing city and hanging with my friend.