Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A money saver!

I'm learning the VERY hard way a couple of things..

GET CAR INSURANCE: seems like a "duh" but I kinda thought I'd slip through the cracks and save myself some money. However, when some lady slammed into my little Toyota from behind, I saw my financial life flash before my eyes and all I could do was thank the Lord that it was her fault and not mine! Seriously, I accept this as a merciful warning sign and WILL be getting car insurance even though it will probably be a lot because I have more tickets than.. you could shake a stick at? Not sure why you would need to shake a stick at my tickets but still- if you wanted to you couldn't anyway.

Lesson #2..

PAY TRAFFIC TICKETS: Also, a "duh". But, when you are broke, one or two hundred for a speeding ticket on top of monthly bills is- well, there's just no room. Well, let me tell you.. make room! make it a priority. Because that ticket could easily double or triple in the amount as well as totally screw up your world by suspending your license and then charging you an outrageous reinstatement fee when you do get that ticket paid. So, just pay it the day after you are cited. Pay it before your rent even. Trust me, Uncle Sam is way more ruthless than your landlord.

So, there you have it. How to save money by spending money. Isn't that how the world works anyway??

Peace out my frugal friends..

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